If you've ever had a baby, then you know that it goes without saying that the first few months are tough. You are faced with challenges of all kinds, but one that seems to be one of the toughest is the adjustment to a postpartum body. Yuck.
Inactivity is not an option for a new mom; there are diapers to change, dishes to wash, a baby to bounce and meals to make. But in spite of (and because of) this constant to-do list that inevitably keeps you on your feet all day, there is not a whole lot of energy left for actual workouts. And even if there was time in the day for such a luxury, there is the ambition factor. One look in the mirror might send some moms to the gym, but I think I speak for the majority when I say that there is a certain form of discouragement that only a mom could experience when she sees her new body staring back at her in the bathroom mirror. And that discouragement can send her, ironically, right into the sugary, trans-fatty comfort of the ice cream carton. After all, that will at least offer instant gratification! But what about the long term goal?
Put on your shoes. Go! Do it now. I'm not kidding.
Put your baby in the car, and go to the store. Live in Chattanooga? GreenLife or Earth Fare are both great stores for this. Load up on oranges (in season and delicious right now), bananas, grapefruit, and almonds. Carrots and celery and a low fat dip. As you peruse the aisle, read labels and look for items with the fewest ingredients, and get things that you LIKE to eat, just avoid the things that give you that guilty feeling afterwards. Grab a dark chocolate bar by the register if you want. Opt for organic if you can.
Go back home, and prepare these snacks ahead of time. (If you have a baby carrier, this will be a much easier task!) Slice the oranges and the veggies. If portion control is hard for you, use small storage containers to divvy up the crackers or the nuts. Break the chocolate bar into a few pieces so that you won't eat the whole thing in one sitting. Just make sure that all of the good stuff you bought is easily accessible. Manufacturers make things like Oreos easy to eat on the go. You'll eat more, so you'll buy more. You have to be intentional to make better options just as easy.
Do you feel better yet? You should. You've just taken an active step towards losing that baby weight.
Now, look up local races. Even if you aren't a runner, you can walk them! The beauty of this is, a jogging stroller lets you take your baby along too. No more "can't find a babysitter" excuse! A 2 miler or a 5k is a great place to start. Need help finding one? Look online.
If you live in Chattanooga, here's a link: http://www.active.com. There is a half marathon and a 5k coming up in February, and they benefit the community kitchen.
Find a workout buddy. Plan your meals ahead of time. Don't have a good cookbook? Look online. You'll find more recipes than you know what to do with. Make it a family affair- this will make it easier if you all vow to do away with the candy jar!
And most importantly, stop obsessing and worrying about the changes that pregnancy caused. Stretch marks and new curves are, without a doubt, evidence that you love your child enough to let them leave their mark on your body. Be in the best health that you can- absolutely do that. But don't be tempted to hate all of the changes that you see. They really are sweet reminders of the 9 months that you selflessly carried your baby. It's hard to hate the proof that you did that!
Great post, Annie! Very encouraging and so accurate:)